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we are usig certified materials!


tekstile and filling

have OKO-test.


Mimice has phisical 

EN-71 tests!


we are using highest quality, certified materials


With respect to nature we are using materials only from local textile production. Our textile do not have to make "80 days around world" journey before it come to our seamstresses because textile we use for Mimice is made about 30 km away from our studio! 


We wish to support local production and we are very lucky to have the best quality textile so close!


We are using only selected and high quality cottons jersey fabrics.

All our materials are tested and have all needed certificates.


Every toy is made very locally in Europe, in Slovenia.

Mimice are very safe!

Have no buttons nor beads which can be swallowed by the youngest.

We sewed from selected and high quality cerfified materials smade for child-tekstil industry for making bed sheets and pillows. Certificates guarantee they can be used even by allergics (more)!


You can easily clean Mimice in washing machine! 


We use cotton jersey textile without furr. As we realized furr is quickly destroyed by washing and is not perfect idea for newborns and babies who taste the world with their mouth. 


Even without furr Mimice are very soft and very nice to touch thanks to certified, fluffy polyester filling used for making children's pillows.


Mimice have very simple, fusiform shape - perfect for keeping in hands on the one side and perfect for hugging on the other side. 


We know how important it is to assist the child's imagination that is why we focused on simplicuty and cleanliness. With Mimice we wish to create space for imagination and creativity that is why Mimice have so simple shapes. 


Every Mimica is very unique and special as it has her face hand-embroided by the designer herself! That gives very personal touch to ech Mimica. What more you can personalize your Mimica even more by choosing your own colour combination or ordering hand-embroided name on the belly.


Creating Mimice we wish to spread good values and we follow the spirit of social Entrepreneurship. Learn more about our values here.



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